3 de fevereiro de 2012

Borneo - Endangered Species Give Room to Palm Tree Plantations

Palm trees are replacing the RAIN FOREST on a tragic killing of nearly extinction species - CRV@
 When I visited Malasia, 3 years ago, I was shocked and absolutely devasted to become aware of the huge, enormous amount of rain forest extensions that are, on a daily basis, being clearead.
Without any concern regarding the maintenance and survival of endangered species, animals, even those almost near extinction, are simple being killed or pulled away in order to give enough room for the profit plantations of palm trees. On my blog Manifesto-Surrealista I've  posted some pictures, which I took on my visit to Borneo, showing clearly this rapid lack of concern with preservation and biodiversity. It was heart breaking to become aware of the immense wildlife that should be on that specific place and it  was replaced by a forest of uninhabited palm trees.

The Gang and the terrified ORANG UTANG
For my deepest regreats, I see that, 3 years have passed and things haven't changed a bit. If the irresponsible devastation of the rain forest continues to grow on these dramatic levels, I've read that environmentalists predict that, in 2050, there won't be any more FOREST or endangered species to concern about.

So, when I came across this news, all that sad and overwhelming feeling came again. The pictures are so incredibly sad.  They reported some bounty hunters with bush knives that had entrapped a pregnat ORANG UTAN and her little baby within a circle and moved in for the kill. By the pictures we can see that the terrified mother the only thing she could do was to wrap a giant protective arm around her daughter.
The terrified pregnant ORANG UTANG and her baby surrounded by a gang of palm trees workers
The pair seemed to be facing a certain death as the gang of hunters surrounded them keen to cash in on the palm oil plantations' bid to be ride of the animals. Thanks to an happy coincidence, a team from the British-based international animal rescue group "Four Paws" arrived in time to stop the slaughter and saved their lives.
Happy endings - Back into the deep RAIN FOREST, back to the luxurious wild life
Pregnant mother and daughter were captured and moved to a remote and safe area of the rainforest and released back into the wild - but not before the mother was equipped with a radio device so she and her young can be tracked to ensure they remain safe. Dr Signe Preuschoft, a "Four Paws" primate expert said:

'We discovered a gang of young men surrounding them and both victims were clearly petrified. Our arrival could not have been more timely, A few minutes later and the orang-utans could have been dead".

The gang meanwhile were jubilant in anticipation of their rewards for catching and killing the animals. These massacres will certainly continue but on this fortune situation 3 lives of a highly endangered species were saved giving that the British Team was able to trade them for the "huge" amount of 70 Pounds.
When I watch the palm trees plantation picture that I took in Borneo I'm unable to forget that all that devasteted extensions of land are now completely stained with the blood of the rare, extremely rare and beautiful wildlife animals. from here

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