9 de fevereiro de 2012

Bird Scanning - Old Egyptian Mummy Bird on a CT scan with 3-D reconstruction

A Mummy IBIS bird seen on a CT scan with 3D reconstruction 
Image courtesy Andrew Wade and Yale Peabody Museum (item ANT.006924.004)

New techniques are always surprising us by opening little windows if the past where we can peek life and ancient habits from long ago extinct civilizations.
Photogr courtesy Andrew Nelson, Univ. Western Ontario
That's what happened at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, where scientists picked an egyptian Ibis bird sacrificed for buriel purposes and submeted to a CT-scan-based 3-D reconstruction.

The images are incredibly clear and it is perfectly visible that before being mummified the bird was fed with grains and a dead snake, which was placed within, via an incision in his stomach, for the after life journey.

The bird is one of three sacred ibis mummies aged between 2,600 and 2,000 years that were found to have been packed with food for the afterlife. Now extinct in Egypt, sacred ibises have been found throughout ancient catacombs and in other chambers dedicated to offerings to the gods.  from here

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