8 de janeiro de 2012

Kadinsky : Muscle - Nerve - Skin

Kadinsky took the oportunity of a scientific study concerning small flies development and painted this 20 section fruit fly embryos, full of colour, revealing different kinds of tissues types.

Muscles, nerves and skin.

more here

Image: Courtesy of Yoosik Kim and Stanislav Y. Shvartsman Princeton University and Kwanghun Chung and Hang Lu Georgia Institute of Technology

3 comentários:

  1. I didn't know about this, although Kandinsky is one of my favourite painters... I need to do a post on him. This is a new blog, Ti? :) I keep wondering where you find the time, wow, I'm truly impressed! And good luck with it!

  2. Hi Olga! Thanks, so much, for steaping by. I really do not have much time, but the pleasure we take from blogging is so enormously big that I never get tired of reading and searching about new topics. And then, it's just a matter of organizing them in different "drawers". I never get tired of learning, the more I read, the more I wan't to know. It's like an addiction. A very healthy one. So, good to have around. So good :) Hugs

  3. And, of course I love Kadinski. Feel free to use my blog material whenever you want. I'll be honoured. HUGS
